Tonight our home was truly a "gathering place" as our family came together for our annual candle lighting ceremony. This ceremony signifies the light of Christ in our lives. There was good eats, fun for all and, oh yes, the candle lighting event in which each of us related the things we were thankful for. All in all it has been a very good year which has included the birth of three grand-daughters. All are well, happy, and I must say very "cute"! Linda also gave a presentation of the word "JOY" and how we must strive to incorporate it into our lives. "J" standing for Jesus, and how we should live by his example. "O" standing for oneness as in the atonement. Also standing for others, and obedience. And, "Y" meaning it all starts with you. We are so blessed with a great family that has grown year-by-year since we started the candle light tradition some 18 years ago. Merry Christmas to our wonderful family, we love you.

1 comment:
Mom thanks for the JOY sign. We love it, it's on our fireplace where everyone can see it!!!! love you.
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